International Yoga Day Celebration
Date: 21.06.2024
Venue: CME Hall
Total No. of Participants: 220
Total No. of Resource Persons: 03
Organized by: Department of Physiology, KIMS & RC
Event report: “Yoga is like music, rhythm of the body, melody of the mind and harmony of the soul creates the symphony of life”. Firmly believing in this statement and to emphasize that the students should realize the importance and impact of yoga on their soul and body and to utilize their energy in the right path, our varsity set the grounds for celebrating international yoga day on a large scale. View More
CME on Stem Cell Therapy
Date: 10.06.2024
Venue: CME Hall
Total No. of Participants: 124
Total No. of Resource Persons: 04
Organized by: Department of General Surgery, KIMS & RC Department of General Surgery conducted CME on Stem cell Therapy on 10th June 2024. Undergraduates, Postgraduates and faculties from various departments of KIMS & RC attended the CME. Dr. Shanmugam, Professor, Dept. of General Surgery, KIMS & RC gave welcome address after the inauguration. View More
Workshop on Sconic Stethoscope
Date: 09.06.2024
Venue: Hotel Regenta, OMR
Total No. of Participants: 83
Total No. of Resource Persons: 05
Organized by: Department of Anaesthesiology, KIMS & RC
Date: 15th TO 18th APR 2024
Venue: CME Hall
Total No. of Participants: 39
Total No. of Resource Persons: 02
Organized by: Department of Biochemistry, KIMS & RC
Event report:The Department of Biochemistry, KIMS & RC, conducted four days training program in Medical Laboratory – Internal Audit & Quality Management system (QMS) in association with 360 HELP accredited by NBQP approved by QCI and accepted by NABL. Welcome Speech was given by Dr. Santhosh Viswan, HOD and Professor, Department of Biochemistry View More
Date: 28.03.2024
Venue: CME Hall
Total No. of Participants: 52
Total No. of Resource Persons: 05
Organized by: Department of Emergency Medicine & Pediatrics, KIMS & RC
Event report: It explains how the pediatric assessment triangle has been modified to help take therapeutic decisions. Current evidence-based guidelines have been incorporated such that safer and more effective treatments are employed during resuscitation. What’s more! For the first time evidence from our own patients has been used to teach how to save life in the initial minutes. The lessons learn have now become the core curriculum of the post-doctoral PEM fellowship conducted under the auspices of the Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University. Dr. Jeyachandran MD, D. Ch, Dr. P Ramachandran, MD, D. Ch and Dr. M Kannaki MD, D.Ch (Directors of the Institute of Child Health, Madras Medical College), facilitated establishing the fellowship program at this hospital. View More
Date: 2 nd & 3rd Feb 2024
Venue: CME Hall
Total No. of Participants: 555
Total No. of Resource Persons: 05
Organized by: Department of Community Medicine, KIMS & RC
Event report: KIMSCOMCON 2024 with the theme “HEALTH FOR FUTURE: INTEGRATED STRATEGIES AND INFORMED DECISION MAKING” organized by Department of Community Medicine from 1st Feb till 3rd Feb 2024. Pre conference workshop was on EPICOLLECT 5 helped in mastering the art of quality data capture and making informed decisions. SHIPWRECK was an opportunity for the post graduate student to express their planning and management skills. KIMSCOMCON 2024 also provided a platform for oral & poster presentations. The Quiz and Photography competitions for the undergraduates offered alternate ways of learning the subject. View More
Date: 13.09.2023
Venue: CME Hall, KIMS & RC
Total number of participants: 240
Number of Resource Persons: 03
Organized by: Department of Physiology, KIMS & RC
Credit hours received from Tamilnadu Medical Council: 1.0
Feedback on workshop taken: Yes
Consolidated report of CME:
Department of Physiology organized CME on Wrinkles. Program commenced with lighting of kuthuvilakku follwed by Tamil Thaai Vazhathu. The welcome address was given by Dr. B Jaya, Prof. & Head, Physiology and Inaugural address was delivered by Principal Dr. Sufala S Vishwasrao. Speakers form various disciplines with enormous experience in Physiology and Research delivered their speeches effectively. All the sessions were interactive. Participants were given the opportunity to ask their questions, concern, queries related to the topic at the end of every session. View More
Two-day workshop on NEXT and Career Counselling
Date of event: 17.07.23 & 18.7.23
Venue: CME hall, KIMS &RC
Number of participants: 189
Organized by: Alumni association, KIMS & RC
Resource Person: Dr. Mukesh Bhatia, Founder, Dr Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute
Event report:
Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, is very much keen about the student’s career and takes initiative to nurture the students for securing their future in today’s competitive world.
In response to implementation of NEXT exam for final year students, Institute organized two-day workshop on NEXT and career counselling. The Alumni Association of KIMS & RC, called senior faculty and founder of Dr Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute for 2 days workshop session that includes Hepatology integration, Hematopoietic system and question answer session about pattern of NEXT exam. – View Details
CME on Yoga for holistic health
Date: 21.6.2023 Venue: CME Hall, KIMS &RC
Total number of participants: 217 Total number of resource person: 4
Organized by: Department of Physiology
Objective: To develop interest among the students to practice yoga daily. To increase awareness about good effects of regular yoga on body
Event report:
“Yoga is like music, rhythm of the body, melody of the mind and harmony of the soul creates the symphony of life”. Firmly believing in this statement and to emphasize that the students should realize the importance and impact of yoga on their soul and body and to utilize their energy in the right path, our varsity set the grounds for celebrating international yoga day on a largescale. Events on Campus A ten-day basic training for yoga was conducted for 150 students in 2 batches, each batch consists of 75 students for the better personalization and involvement of the students. This training consisted 2 parts, in the first part the students were told about the importance and power of yoga in daily life and in the later part the professional trainers taught the students yoga asanas which made them familiar and well versed with the various asanas. This training went on for two hours each day with Batch 1 (2022-23 Girls), Batch 2 (2022-23 Boys).
Program on International Day of Yoga “International yoga day” was celebrated in the CME hall. All the internal dignitaries, faculty, students attended and supported the event with spirited enthusiasm and active participation. Dr. Sufala sunil Vishwasrao, Principal gave inaugural address with stressing on importance of yoga in today’s busy life. Dr. Jaya Professor, Department of Physiology, shared that the students these days are tending towards the fast foods and students are not taking care of their health. So, she insisted to practice yoga daily. The chief guest of the day Sri Partheeban secretary, Professor, World community service centre, has
shared his vast knowledge on Neuro Linguistic Programing. Dr Dr. Ramachandran Viswanathan, Professor of Medicine, KIMS & Rc delivered session on positivity of doing yoga. Later, Shri. Shiva President, Professor, World community service centre ,Yoga coach of the varsity conducted workshop and made the audience do some of the yoga Asanas which was very refreshing. Dr Sumitra Associate Professor, Department of Physiology proposed the vote of thanks. View More
Date: 17.06.2023
Venue: KIMS CME HALL & Skills lab
Total No. of Participants: 210
Total No. of Resource Persons: 09
Organized By: Department of Emergency Medicine, KIMS & RC
Event Report:
Department of Emergency medicine organized one day CME on 17.6.2023. The target audiences were post graduates, CRMI and all practicing doctors. The academic topics covered in this CME were-trauma management in special populations like pediatrics, geriatrics and pregnant patients, newer advances in trauma management like REBOA and Thrombo – elastography.
Cadaveric model based live demonstration of surgical airway was performed followed by hands on training of delegates on skills like intubation, airway management, intercostal tube drainage placement, needle thoracentesis, Intraosseous access, central line insertion, cervical collar placement, helmet removal, spine board placement, pelvic binder applications and eFAST. View More
CME on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Date: 17.05.2023
Total No. of Participants: 250
Total No. of Resource Persons: 04
Event Report:
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neuro developmental disorder that affects individuals across their lifespan. It is characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication difficulties, repetitive behaviors, and a range of sensory sensitivities. This CME aims to provide an overview of autism spectrum disorders, including its characteristics, potential causes, diagnostic criteria, and strategies for supporting individuals on the spectrum. View More
Workshop on Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Date: 06.05.2023
Total No. of Participants: 60
Total No. of Resource Persons: 6
Event Report:
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis Workshop was a comprehensive educational program designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively interpret and analyze arterial blood gas samples. This workshop aimed to enhance participants’ clinical competency, enabling them to make accurate diagnoses, monitor patient conditions, and optimize treatment plans based on ABG results.
Event started with the Tamil Thaai Vaazhthu and lighting of KuthuVilakku. The session started with welcome address by Dr. Shantha Parthiban, Prof. and Head Department of Anesthesiology. View More
CME on National HIV Treatment Protocol
Date: 21.04.2023 (11.00 AM TO 12.00 PM)
Targeted Audience: Health Care Professionals
Total No. of Resource Persons: 01 (Mr. Shiva Kumar, State Coordinator of ART)
Organized By: Department of Dermatology, KIMS & RC
Event report:
CME was conducted on the topic of “National HIV Treatment Protocol”.
Program was inaugurated at 11.00 am by Dr. Dhanalakshmi, HOD, Dept. of DVL and Nodal officer ART Centre. Program was organized by KIMSRC ART CENTRE in collaboration with ALLIANCE INDIA, ANSACS ART Members. PGs and Faculties attended the session. Functions of ART centre in KIMSRC was emphasized to the listeners. The event was conducted with the aim of creating awareness among the community regarding the disease so as to avoid associated stigma and to promote adherence to treatment.
The Chief Guest Mr. Shivakumar, State Coordinator of ART gave introductory speech about HIV infection and various treatment protocols. Dr. Dhanalakshmi spoke about “HIV Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol” followed by Dr. Archana, Prof of Community Medicine on “Pediatric Screening and Management Protocol for HIV”. The speakers highlighted the multidisciplinary approach to HIV Treatment Protocol. View More
CME On “Updates in Tuberculosis– 2023”
Date: 28.03.2023
Total No. of Participants: 230
Total No. of Resource Persons: 08
Organized By: Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KIMS &RC
Event Report:
CME on ‘Updates in Tuberculosis 2023’ was conducted by Pulmonary Medicine Department on 28th March 2023 in which speakers from various institutions and departments delivered their speech on recent development in tuberculosis in terms of diagnostic facilities and management of tuberculosis following which a quiz was held for the final year MBBS students and were awarded prizes. View More
CME on “Updates on Carcinoma Stomach”
Date: 30.03.2023
Total No. of Participants: 200 (Final year MBBS students, Post graduates and faculty members)
Total No. of Resource Persons: 05
1. Dr. Sowjanya Bandlamudi MD, Professor Department of Anatomy, Sri SatyaSai medical College
2. Dr. A. Anita MD, DCH, Professor and vice principal, Chengalpattu Medical College
3. Dr. Harshavardana MDRD DNB, Assistant Professor Department of Radiology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai.
4. Dr. Premkumar MS, Professor of Surgery, AIMST University Semiling Malaysia
5. Dr. Venkatachalam MS MCH, Consultant Surgical oncologist, Vijaya Hospital
Date: 15.02.2023
Total No. of Participants: 102
Total No. of Resource Persons: 05
Event report:
Leprosy fortnight is an annual event celebrated from January 30 to February 13. The Department of DVL, KIMS & RC organized leprosy fortnight programme this year. The events were conducted with the aims of creating awareness among the community regarding the disease so as to avoid associated stigma and to promote early diagnosis.
The events began on January 30 with the leprosy oath taking ceremony, conducted in the department demonstration hall, where patients, staff members and students took an oath to work towards elimination of leprosy and creating a stigma free supportive environment for leprosy patients.
Following this, on February 07, a medical camp was conducted in association with the CLTRI, Chengalpattu at the community hall. The medical camp was well attended and many people came forward to get themselves physically examined by experienced doctors. Staff members and postgraduate students in the medical team provided necessary treatment and counseling to them.
In addition, a CME was conducted on the topic “Leprosy- recognition to resolution” in the CME hall of KIMS & RC. Department heads from CLTRI, Chengalpattu and Head of the Pathology department of KIMS & RC were the speakers.
Targeted audience were the UG and PG medical students of KIMS & RC and faculties. The CME was well attended and highlighted the multidisciplinary approach to leprosy care. Overall, these events brought together patients, medical professionals and the community to work towards the elimination of leprosy. View More
CME on “STRESS” – Enlightment towards wellness”
Date: 14.12.2022 (8.30 AM to 12.45 PM)
Total number of Participants: 286
Total number of Resource Persons:03
Organized by: Department of Physiology, KIMS&RC
Event Report:
In today’s computerized era, stress is very common factor causing emotional and physical trauma on our body. It is important to keep ourselves stress-free in order to enjoy happy and healthy life. The department of Physiology organized CME on Stress to enlighten the importance of healthy life style and yoga. The program initiated with inaugural address by Principal Dr Sufala Sunil Vishwasrao. In her inaugural speech she expressed that one’s health condition always remains in their own hands and it depends on the diet we take and exercise we do, yoga is the best way to maintain one’s health conditions. If someone want to have a healthy mind, they should practice of yoga which is one of the best method to maintain a our body and mind it in all respects. View More
ORGANIZED BY: Department of Community Medicine
India in its second Voluntary National Review has made a paradigm shift to a “whole-of-society” approach with Government of India engaging sub-national and local governments, civil society organizations, local communities, people in vulnerable situations and the private sector.
India’s commitment to the sustainable development growth (SDG) is reflected in its convergence with the national development agenda as reflected in the motto of “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikaas” (Collective Efforts for Inclusive Growth). Based on the evidence from the SDG India Index, which measures progress at the subnational level, the country has developed a robust SDG localization model centered on adoption, implementation and monitoring at the State and district levels.
In 2015, the United Nations established the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with 17 identified SDGs to help UN member states achieve inclusive, people-centred and holistic development together. The NITI Aayog launched the first edition of its index in 2018 to monitor the country’s progress on the goals through data-driven assessment, and to encourage the States and Union Territories in achieving them. With one-third of the journey towards achieving the 2030 Agenda already over, the latest edition of the SDG India Index focuses on the role and significance of partnerships in this initiative. “The report reflects on the partnerships we have built and strengthened during our SDG efforts. The narrative throws light on how collaborative initiatives can result in better outcomes and greater impacts”, explains NITI Aayog CEO, Shri Amitabh Kant on how working together will ensure success over the next decade.
Taking the above into account the Department of Community Medicine KIMS& RC organised a CME on India Towards Sustainable Developmental Goals on 7th December 2022. View More
DATE: 01.12.2022 (8.30 am to 3.30 pm)
VENUE: Lecture Hall Complex, KIMS & RC
Total No. of PARTICIPANTS: 43
ORGANIZED BY: Department of Clinical Microbiology, KIMS & RC
The objectives of this CME was to emphasize the importance of infection control practices. The CME highlights the aspects regarding the implementation of various guidelines and infection control activities in CSSD, OT and Surgical ward, Pre and Post op infection control practices. The programme flagged off at 8.30 am,CME registration till 8.45 am and pretest started at 8.45 am – 9.00 am.
The first speaker Mr. Visuvasam, Asst. Professor Department of Microbiology, KIMS & RC gave a talk on “Overview of HAI”. He discussed in detail about the types of Hospital acquired infections and Diagnostic criteria. The second session was covered by Dr. Balan on CSSD. In this session the design, sections and functioning of CSSD was discussed elaborately. The third speaker was Dr. J. Abirami Lakshmy, Associate Professor, KIMS & RC who spoke on “Theatre Disinfection”. The speaker elaborately dealt about the types of disinfectants, classification and Procedure/steps for every day OT disinfection protocol.
In the fourth session Dr. Meera, Asst. Professor elaborated about the techniques of endoscope reprocessing. The final session was delivered by Dr. Dhanapaul .S, Professor & HOD on Infection control practices: Pre and Post-surgical procedures followed by Hands on session /Case based discussion on Biomedical waste management and Hand Hygiene. The last session is followed by scientific discussion by undergraduates & postgraduates posttest, feedback & Vote of thanks. View More
DATE: 14.11.2022
ORGANIZED BY: Department of Community Medicine, KIMS & RC
World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 by IDF and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2006 with the passage of United Nation Resolution 61/225. It is marked every year on 14 November, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922.
WDD is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a global audience of over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries. The campaign draws attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes
world and keeps diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight.
We the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS&RC conducted a CME on November 14 2022. The theme for this year is “education to protect tomorrow”.
The program started with a welcome address by Dr. Prasan Norman This was followed by Dr. Thirunaaukarasu Professor & Head Dept. of Community Medicine who spoke in detail about Preventive Lifestyle in Diabetes. He spoke in detail about the types of DM, statistics, Risk factors, life style management and foot care.
It followed by Dr. Mahesh, J Reader, Department of Community Dentistry. He spoke about Diabetes and Oral Health-Myths and Facts. His talk was about the common oral Problems in diabetic patients. He stressed that Inter professional collaboration and integration of patient centered care will improve general health, wellbeing and quality of life among diabetes patient.
After a small break Dr. Sunitha M Professor, Department of Medical and Surgical nursing gave her talk about Nursing Perspectives: Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus.
After lunch Dr. Prasan Norman spoke about Recent Initiatives under NPCDCS. He explained in detail about the recent joint venture of Tuberculosis and DM and about the mile stones of NPCDCS.
The highlights of the day were three View More
OBS EXPO-2022 – View More
CME ON “Updates of Surgeries in Cholesteatoma”
Date: 19.09.2022 Venue: CME HALL, KIMS & RC
Total No. of Participants: 110 Total No. of Resource Persons: 04
CME report:
Department of ENT AND HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, organized CME on Updates of Surgeries in Cholesteatoma on 19.09.2022. Faculties from other departments, students and clinicians attended the program.
The program commenced with welcome the address by Professor and HOD Dr. M. K. Siddhartharaj. Academic session started with the topic: “Interesting cases of Cholesteatoma” by Dr B Sundara Rajan followed by session on “Radiological features of cholesteatoma” by Dr Major Nirmal Kumar, Associate Professor, NMC, Chennai and Dr Bala Ganapathy, Prof. Radiology, Karpaga Vinyaga Institute of Medical College and Research Centre.
Dr M K Rajasekar, Prof and HOD, Sri Balaji Medical College discussed about “Clinical diagnosis, surgical management & Complications of cholesteatoma”. All the sessions were interactive and participants were enthusiastic to learn interesting facts about cholesteatoma.
Afternoon session was started with QUIZ COMPETITION for third year MBBS. Prizes were distributed to the winners. It was fun and good learning session for all the students. CME ended with vote of thanks by Professor Dr. R. Madana Gopal. View More
DATE: 26.08.2022
ORGANIZED BY: Department of Microbiology, KIMS&RC
The Department of Microbiology, KIMS&RC organized CME on “Sepsis –A Worldwide Killer” on 26thAugust 2022 (Friday) from 8.30 Am – 12.45 PM at CME Hall, Lecture Hall Complex, Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre. The objectives of this CME were to recognize the global burden Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction that results from the body’s response to infection. It requires prompt recognition, appropriate antibiotics, careful hemodynamic support, and control of the source of infection. With the trend in management moving away from protocolized care in favor of appropriate usual care, an understanding of sepsis physiology and best practice guidelines is critical. The knowledge and skills gained will strengthen the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Sepsis. Around 105 delegates including Undergraduates & Postgraduates of various departments from our institution participated in the CME programme. The last session was followed by scientific discussion.
CME ON “Post Covid Mucormycosis”
Date: 28.07.2022
Venue: CME HALL, and online platform
Total No. of Participants: 33 Total No. of Resource Persons: 07
Department of ENT AND HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, organized CME on the most dreadful condition “POST COVID MUCORMYCOSIS ” on July 28th 2021. Faculties from other departments, students and clinicians
participated in this program. This program was conducted in online mode.
The program commenced with welcome address by Professor and HOD Dr. M. K. Siddhartharaj and session started with microbiology and etiopathogenesis of Mucor mycosis by Professor Dr. S. Anbalagan and followed by Professor Dr. M. K. Rajasekar on approach to post covid Mucor mycosis. The next session is on pharmacotherapy of Mucor mycosis by professor Dr. B. Prathap and a detailed session on surgical management by Professor Dr. G. Sundhar Krishnan. CME ended with vote of thanks by Professor Dr. R. Madana Gopal. View More
CME on “Pharmacovigilance Perspective in the Indian Context”
Date: 16.05.2022 Venue: Online Meeting
Total No. of Participants: 133 Total No. of Resource Persons: 07
Organized By: Department of Pharmacology
Event Report:
Department of pharmacology conducted online CME Pharmacovigilance Perspective in Indian Context on 16th May 2022.The program was inaugurated by Dr. R Annamalai, Trustee, KIMS & RC. Key note address was given by Principal, KIMS & RC, Dr. Sufala Sunil Vishwasrao. Additionally, she shared her thoughts on pharmacovigilance. Welcome address was delivered by Dr M Pushpam, HOD; Department of Pharmacology; KIMS & RC.
First speaker was Dr Aruna Balasubramanian who has given our participants a clear understanding of Pharmacovigilance in the Indian context and motivated everyone to participate in PVPI. Second speaker-Dr K M Sudha shared an excellent session on Role of Health Care Provider in ADR Reporting. Third speaker was Dr Melvin George who shared his experience and knowledge about pharmacovigilance and its importance in clinical trials. His session was very interesting and informative. Dr Suparna Chatterjee, shared valuable information, on a topic- Signal detection. All participants have benefited from her informative session which was reflected in feedback.
Afternoon session was taken on “How to report ADR” by Dr Sunil M Vishwasrao Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology and Dr Sanu Sain Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology took a
section on “Casualty assessment”.
The CME was a great success with very informative sessions and active participation of delegates. View More
Workshop on ECG
Topic ECG: Interpretation: The Basics
Date of the event 2nd April 2022
Venue CME Hall, KIMS & RC
Organized by Dept. of Gen Medicine, KIMS & RC
Total no of participants 150
Total no of Resource Person 07
Event Report:
Department of General Medicine organized workshop on ECG to enlighten final year students and interns about importance early recognition of arrythmias and its management.
The program initiated with welcome address by Principal, Dr Sufala Sunil Vishwasrao. Session started with topic-Introduction to ECG & Physiology of cardiac conduction system that was delivered by Dr. Arshiya Aazmi, M.D(Emergency Medicine), Assistant professor, KIMS & RC. It was followed by topic-Rate, Rhythm, Axis, Atrial and Ventricular Hypertrophy by Dr. Kumaresh P T, M.D. (Emergency Medicine), Assistant professor, KIMS & RC.
Dr. Manohar, M.D., D.M (Cardio), Associate professor of cardiology, KIMS & RC gave a talk about Acute coronary syndrome.
Approach to Tachyarrhythmia was taken by Dr. P. Suresh Kumar, M.D., D.M (Cardio), AFESC Assistant professor of Cardiology, CMCH followed by Approach to Bradyarrhythmia by Dr. Raymond Jesu. J, M.D(General medicine), Assistant professor, KIMS & RC. Dr Murali Krishna Bharathi, M.D(General medicine), Assistant professor, KIMS &RC discussed about Drugs and Dyselectrolytemia.
Finally, QUIZ program was conducted by Dr. S. M. Mohamed Rebayudeen, M.D(Gen med), Assistant professor, KIMS &RC. Students actively participated in the quiz and enjoyed the academic feast. Program ended with vote of thanks – View Details
CME ON “Post Covid Mucormycosis”
Date: 28.07.2022 Venue: CME HALL, and online platform
Total No. of Participants: 33 Total No. of Resource Persons: 07
Department of ENT AND HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, organized CME on the most dreadful condition “POST
COVID MUCORMYCOSIS ” on July 28th 2021. Faculties from other departments, students and clinicians
participated in this program. This program was conducted in online mode.
The program commenced with welcome address by Professor and HOD Dr. M. K. Siddhartharaj and session
started with microbiology and etiopathogenesis of Mucor mycosis by Professor Dr. S. Anbalagan and
followed by Professor Dr. M. K. Rajasekar on approach to post covid Mucor mycosis. The next session is on
pharmacotherapy of Mucor mycosis by professor Dr. B. Prathap and a detailed session on surgical
management by Professor Dr. G. Sundhar Krishnan.
CME ended with vote of thanks by Professor Dr. R. Madana Gopal.
Topic: microbiology and etiopathogenesis of Mucor mycosis delivered by Professor Dr. S. Anbalagan – View More
Celebration of National Blood Donor Day
Theme Give blood and keep the world beating
Date of the event 1
st October 2021
Venue CME hall KIMS & RC
Organized by Dept. of Pathology, KIMS & RC
Total no of participants 100 +50=150
Total no of Resource Person 02
National Voluntary Blood Donor Day was celebrated by the Department Of pathology on 1 October 2021 in CME hall from 9:45am to 2:00pm. The program started with the welcome speech by Dr. P Vishwanathan (Professor and Hod, Department of pathology) followed by Presidential address by Principal Dr Sufala Sunil Vishwasrao. It was an online event due to covid restrictions.
Dr. Shiv Prasad Gujulapalli, Senior resident of pathology, KIMS &RC stressed upon theme “Give blood and keep the world beating.” KIMS blood donor members were felicitated by Med. Superintendent Dr M Kannaki for their social contribution of supporting blood donation activities.
Various brainstorming activities such as memes, short film, drawing competitions, poetry and slogan competitions were organized and winners were distributed prizes. The program ended with vote of thanks – View Details
Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes Mellitus -recent updates
Department of Pharmacology, KIMS & RC
Program Schedule:
Date of the event 23rd November 2020
Online Platform Google Meet
Organized by Dept. of Gen Medicine, KIMS & RC
Total no of participants 300
Total no of Resource Person 03
Event Report:
Department of General Medicine amidst COVID 19 pandemic has conducted CMEMEDICON 2020 on Covidology- study of new normal-sharing experiences. It was an online CME conducted on 23rd November 2020. Speakers from different parts of India and all over the world contributed their knowledge and skill and enlightened the participants about guidelines of Covid-19 Management.
All the national and international speakers shared their experiences about Covid-19 and also highlighted important strategies during management of Covid-19. The CME was interactive and participants were allowed to ask queries, doubts after every session.
Paper presentation and poster competition were conducted and the winners were honored. Dedicated work and effort of our faculties have made this online CME a successful one.
The primary aim of the CME was understanding basic pathophysiology and awareness about guidelines in managing covid-19 patients. View Details
CME on Skull Base Surgery
Organized by Department of ENT, KIMS & RC
Program Schedule:
Introduction about skull base surgery: Speaker Dr B Sundararajan: Professor, KIMS & RC
Anatomy of Skull base: Speaker: Dr Senthamarai Kannan
Clinical feature & evaluation of skull base: Speaker Dr. M K Rajasekar,
Surgical approaches and management of skull base: Speaker: Dr G Sundhar Krishnan
and treatment guidelines in Covid-19: Dr. Sunil M Vishwasrao
Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders
Department of Psychiatry Medicine, KIMS & RC
Number of credit points (hours) Approved by MGR University or TNMC: 2 hours
Program Schedule:
Organized by Department of Pediatrics, KIMS & RC
Program Schedule:
Covid-19 immune haematological alterations and therapeutic implications: Speaker. Dr R Karthik Narayanan, Senior consultant, Rainbow children’s hospital, Chennai
Anaemia in Children-Complication and Management: Speaker. Dr Sreenivasan Subramaniyam, Assistant Professor, PICU, ICH, Chennai
Approach to bleeding child: Speaker Dr. S Shanthi, Former Professor & Head, Department of Haematology, MMC Chennai and haematologist ICH & HC Chennai
Organized by Department of Ophthalmology, KIMS & RC
Program Schedule:
Evaluation of Cataract Surgery: Dr. G Srinivasan, Prof. & HOD, KIMS & RC
Role of VR surgeon in the management of posterior segment complications cataract surgery : Dr Hemalatha, VR surgeon, Hindu Mission Hospital
Management of Paediatric cataract: Dr B Antony Arokiadass, Paediatric Ophthalmologist, Joseph Eye Hospital, Trichy
CME on Covid-19 dated 16.6.2020 Online
Organized by IQAC, KIMS & RC
Program Schedule:
Symptomatology and emergencies in Covid-19: Dr Ravindra Salve
Microbiology of Covid-19 virus: Dr D Joseph Pushpa Innocent
Diagnosis of Covid-19: Dr Santhosh V
Preventive aspects, Do’s and Don’ts in Covid-19: Dr. Thirunaaukarasu D
Psychological impact of Covid-19: Dr. S Sumithra Devi
Potential medications and treatment guidelines in Covid-19: Dr. Sunil M Vishwasrao
Organized by Department of Community Medicine, KIMS & RC
Program Schedule:
World health day previous year themes: Dr. Thirunaaukarasu D, Prof. KIMS & RC
Current world health day theme & advocacy-2020: Dr Roseline Fatima William, Prof. & Head, KIMS & RC
Nursing perspective in current scenario: Dr Komalavalli, Principal, KVCN
Outlook of innovative nursing & challenges: Dr M J Kumari, Professor, College of Nursing JIPMER, Pondicherry
Organized by IQAC, KIMS & RC
Program Schedule:
Symptomatology and emergencies in Covid-19: Dr Ravindra Salve
Microbiology of Covid-19 virus: Dr D Joseph Pushpa Innocent
Diagnosis of Covid-19: Dr Santhosh V
Preventive aspects, Do’s and Don’ts in Covid-19: Dr. Thirunaaukarasu D
Psychological impact of Covid-19: Dr. S Sumithra Devi
Potential medications and treatment guidelines in Covid-19: Dr. Sunil M Vishwasrao
Organized by ENT Department
Topic:Introduction to sleep apnoea: Dr Madangopal
Topic:Diagnosis of Sleep Apnoea: Dr Chitra Kumar
Topic:Medical Management and CPAP: Dr Thalapathy Ramkumar, HOD, Madras Medical College
Topic:Surgical Approaches for snoring and sleep apnea: Dr P Vijaya Krishnan, HOD Snoring and Sleep apnea, MERF
Organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Topic:Introduction to Male Infertility: Dr SNS Minnalkodi
Topic:Clinical evaluation, semen analysis and Special tests: Dr Sathya Balsubramanyam
Topic:Medical and Surgical Management: Dr N Sanjeev Reddy
Topic:ART & Semen Analysis: Dr P M Gopinath
Topic:Reporting and clinical implications of semen analysis and hands on training: Mr D Vishwanathan
Day 1
Organized by Department of General Medicine
Topic:Neurological manifestations of systemic diseases: Dr G Balaji
Topic:An update on Diabetic Infections: Dr Krishna G Seshathri
Topic:How to start antibiotic in ICU patients: Dr Vijay Anand
Topic:An update on Adult Immunization : Dr Ramsubramanian V
Topic:An update on cardiac Infections: Dr Suresh Kumar P
Topic:Approach to Viral encephalitis: Dr Ramchandran V
Day 2
Topic:Workshop on ECG basics and beyond : Dr M Chenniappan
Organized by Department of Physiology
Topic:Pathophysiology of Obesity: Dr S Roopa, Panimalar Medical College Hospital, Chennai
Topic:Psychological impact on childhood and adolescent obesity: Dr S Arumuganathan, KIMS & RC
Topic:Management of Obesity: Dr Krishna Seshadri, Apollo hospitals, Chennai
Organized by Department of General Medicine and Cardiology
Topic:Interventional cardiology-an overview: Dr J Avinash
Topic:Percutaneous Intervention in ACS: Dr S Ragothaman
Organized by Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Topic:Discussion related with laws: Honorable P Velumurugan
Topic:Discussion regarding Medicolegal Cases: P C Thenmozhi
Topic:Legal issues in Clinical Practice: Dr R Selvakumar
Topic:POCSO act: Dr D Gitanjali
Topic:Crime scene reconstruction: its relevance and scope
Organized by Department of Biochemistry
Topic:Preparation and documentation of SOP, QSP
Topic:Practical & Statistical exercises
Topic:Statistical Quality Control
Topic:Plotting of LJ charts & QC correction
Topic:Preparation of Audit check list
Organized by Department of Pharmacology
Topic:Adverse drug reaction: Dr R Navjothi, Govt Medical College, Pudukottai
Topic:Awareness of Pharmacovigilance: Dr S Vijayalakshmi, KIMS & RC
Topic:News letter updating- Mr T ThirumalaiNambi, Technical associate, ANC, Madurai
Topic:Hands on training on ADR reporting and Causality assessment
Organized by Department of Pediatrics
Topic:Update on Rheumatic Fever: Dr P Suresh Kumar, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Current strategies in Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease: Dr Gopi Nallaiyan, Devdas Multi-speciality Hospital, Madurai
Topic:Approach to congenital Heart disease: Dr C S Arulparithi, KIMS & RC
Organized by Department of Ophthalmology
Topic:Anatomy of cornea-Dr T L Anbumani, KIMS& RC
Topic:Refractive Surgeries- Dr Kalpana Suresh, Kalpana Eye Care
Topic:Eye Bank & Keratoplasty -Dr M Soundaram, Hindu Mission Hospital, Chennai
Topic:Hands on training on Animal eye, Keratometry, Specular Microscopy
Organized by Department of Anesthesia
Topic:Pre-anesthetic assessment: Dr Uma G
Topic:Biological reference interval: Dr Parthiban M
Topic:Pre-operative optimization of common comorbids: Dr Anju Daniel
Topic:Immediate post-operative care: Dr P Manohar
Topic:Workshop on Anesthesia Machine, Supraglottic airway, Spinal epidural Anesthesia, Intubation Aids
Organized by Department of Surgery
Topic:Introduction on Negative pressure Wound therapy: Dr Ramula HOD, Surgery KIMS & RC
Topic:Role of Negative pressure Wound therapy in Orthopedics: Dr Selvaraj, HOD, Orthopedics, KIMS& RC
Organized by Department of Anatomy
Topic:Anatomy of foot and it’s development: Dr K Radha, Vinayaga Mission Medical College, Karaikal
Topic:Congenital anomalies of foot-clinical assessment and surgical management: Dr Navin Kumar, C-DOT Hospital Chennai
Topic:Congenital anomalies of foot-Conservative management and post-surgical rehabilitation, Dr R Karthikeyan, Sri Balaji Medical College & Hospital
Organized by Department of Psychiatry
Topic:Delirium: Dr S Sudhakar, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Psychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy: Dr Yamini Kanaappan, Kauvery Hospital, Chennai
Topic:Movement disorders and Psychiatry: Dr Jayakumar Menon, SRMC, Porur
Topic:Psychiatric aspects of Stroke: Dr S Arumugnathan, KIMS & RC
Organized by Department of Community Medicine
Topic:World Health Day previous year theme: Dr E Karthikeyan
Topic:World Health Day theme 2019: Dr Roseline Fatima William
Topic:Burden of Communicable Diseases: Dr Vijay Bhagat
Topic:Burden of non-communicable Diseases: Dr Roseline Fatima William
Organized by Department of Pediatrics
Topic:24 April 2019: Immunization awareness in UHC, PHC
Topic:25 April 2019: Adoloscent Vaccine: need of hour: Dr R Somsekar
Topic:26 April 2019: Preliminary Quiz on Vaccination for Final Year MBBS
Topic:27 April 2019: Awareness of Immunization in Post-natal ward
Topic:28 April 2019: Awareness of Immunization in Antenatal ward
Topic:29 April 2019: Role play: Immunization
Topic:30 April 2019: Final Quiz on Immunization
Organized by Department of General Surgery
Day 1
Topic:Surgical Management of DFU: Dr V T Arasu, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Limb Salvage Surgery: Dr Rajavelu, Vellore Medical College
Topic:Revascularization of Ischemic Diabetic foot: Dr S R Subramanian
Topic:Prevention of Amputation: Dr Vijay Vishwanath
Topic:Vascular Insufficiency in patients with diabetic foot: Dr Dheepak Selvaraj
Topic:Amputations in Diabetic foot: Dr Selvaraj
Topic:Reconstruction in Diabetic foot: Dr Senkhatir Selvan
Day 2
Topic:DFU- a Malasian experience, Dr Mogan Naidu, Founding Chairman, MDLSS
Topic:Diabetic foot screening- A complete and comprehensive limb salvage screening: Dr KarunaiVael, Treasurer MDLSS
Topic:Wound Bed Preparation in diabetic foot care-crucial steps: Dr Rama Duraisamy, Vice Chairman, MDLSS
Topic:Offloading and footwear for DFU-mandatory in treating DFU: Dr S Santhi, Founding committee-MDLSS
Topic:Serial Minimal Invasive Surgery in diabetic foot infection-case study presentation: a new approach for lower limb surgery: Dr Mogan Naidu
Topic:Hands on Workshop with live Surgeries
Organized by Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Topic:Epidemiology & Goals of Tb control in India: Dr R Srudhar, Superintendent, GHTM, Tambaram
Topic:Definitions, diagnosis & treatment of drug sensitive TB as per RNTCP, Dr A Senthilkumar, DD of Medical Services
Topic:Recent advances in Diagnosis & Treatment of TB including LTBI: Dr A Chothrakumar, KIMS & RC
Topic:Challenges in the Diagnosis & Management of TB in HIV infection, Dr A Mahil Maran, Director, ITM/ MMC Chetpet, Chennai
Topic:Treatment of TB in special situations: Dr N Nalini Jayanthi, SRM Medical College
Organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Conduct of Normal Labour
Eclampsia Management
Procedure of Instrumental Delivery
Assisted Breech Delivery
Shoulder dystocia drill
PPIUCD insertion technique
Steps of neonatal Resuscitation
Organized by Department of ENT
Topic:Introduction on Headache: Dr R Madana Gopal, KIMS& RC
Topic:Neurological aspects of headache: Dr L Shankarnarayanan, Neurologist, Tambaram
Topic:Headache related aspects in ENT: Dr K Ravi, ESIC Medical College
Topic:Headache & Ophthalmic causes: Dr A C Aparna, KIMS & RC
Topic:Psychiatric aspects of headache: Dr T Siva Ilango, KIMS & RC
Organized by Department of General Medicine
Day 1
Topic:Swine Flu-the outbreak: Dr P SenthurNambi, Consultant, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Topic:AKI-what’s new: Dr P Sundarajan, Savitha University, Chennai
Topic:RA-Newer modalities of treatment, Dr S Sriram, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Topic:DM-evolving concepts in treatment: Dr R Madhavan, Institute of Diabetology, MMC, Chennai
Topic:Stroke-a matter of concern: Dr G Balaji, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Recent advances in Management of Cardiac Failure: Dr M Chenniappan, Ramkrishna Nursing home, Trichy
Day 2
Topic:Workshop arrhythmias unraveled: Dr N Chenniappan, Ramkrishna Nursing home, Trichy
Topic:Chamber enlargement, Bundle Branch Block, Fascicular block, Premature beats, Narrow QRS tachycardia, Wide QRS tachycardia, Brady-arrhythmias
Organized by Department of Pathology
Topic:Approach to the diagnosis of bone tumors: Dr Nirmala Jembhekar, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
Topic:How to report Bone marrow aspiration Biopsy-Diagnosis and interpretation with examples: Dr Sumeet Gujral, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
Topic:Pattern analysis of Pediatric Malignancies: Dr P Karkuzhali, Sri Balaji Medical College
Topic:Surgical Pathology: Slide Seminar: Dr J Bharathi Vidhya Jayanthi, MMC Chennai
Topic:Interesting surgical pathological cases: Dr Sandhya Sundaram, SRMC, Porur
Topic:Reporting Breast cancer Specimens: Dr Asawari Patil, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
Topic:Pattern recognition in Inflammatory dermatoses: Dr Sankar Sundaram, Kottayam Medical College, Kerala
Topic:An update on prognostic parameters & synoptic reporting in oral cancers: Dr Jaydeep Pol, Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj
Topic:Adequacy of pathology report on colorectal cancer: Dr Munita Bal, Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj
Topic:Update in WHO classifications of CNS tumors & New IHC markers in their evaluation: Dr MeghaUppin, Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
Organized by Department of Orthopedics
Topic:Calcium Metabolism, biochemistry: Dr Santosh V, KIMS & RC
Topic:Diagnosis and Medical Management of Osteoporosis: Dr Sujatha S, KIMS & RC
Topic:Post-Menopausal osteoporosis: Dr AR Chakravarthy, Ex Dean KIMS & RC
Topic:Management of extreme fractures in Osteoporosis current concepts: Dr Mohan Kumar
Topic:Osteoporotic Spinal Problems evaluation & management: Dr Nalli R Uvaraj
Topic:Strategies for joint replacement in Osteoporosis: Dr Singaravadivelu V
Organized by Ophthalmology
Topic:Diabetic Retinopathy – Dr N Kasinathan, Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai
Topic:Retinopathy of prematurity and Retinopathy in toxemia of pregnancy – Dr Karthik Srinivasan, Arvanid eye Hospital, Chennai
Topic:Vascular disorders of the retina – Dr R Hemalatha, Hindu Mission Hospital, Chennai
Topic:Acquired macular disorders – Dr A C Aparna, Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai
Organized by Department of Microbiology
Topic:Emergence of antibiotic resistance a road map – Dr Bhaskar M, Govt. Vellore Medical College
Topic:Antibiotic resistance in Gram positive organisms – Dr Thyagarajan R, Kilpauk Medical College
Topic:Antibiotic resistance in Gram Negative organisms – Dr U Umadevi, Madras Medical College
Topic:Antimicrobial Susceptibilities and their interpretation – Dr Naveen Kumar, CMC Vellore
Topic:Antibiotics Stewardship new friend – Dr Apurva Sastry, JIPMER Pondicherry
Topic:Newer antimicrobial agents – The Pipeline – Dr D Anusha, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
Organized by Department of Physiology
Date: 6.10.2018, 7.10.2018
Topic:Physiology of Learning & Memory: Dr A. Anitha, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Neurobiology of Learning & Memory: Dr Bindu M Kutty, NIMHANS, Bengaluru
Topic:Applications of learning theories in Medical Education: Dr B V Adkoli, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry
Topic:Effect of aging on Learning and Memory: Dr G Usha, MMC, Chennai
Day 2
Topic:Learning disabilities in Children: Dr Nandita De Souza, Director, Sethu Child Development and Family Guidance, Goa
Topic:Assessment of Learning and Memory: Dr Himani Kashyap, NIMHANS, Bengaluru
Topic:Improving Memory & cognitive excercises: Dr Rajkumari Reddy,NIMHANS, Bengaluru
Organized by Department of General Surgery and oral maxillofacial Surgery
Topic:Overview of head and neck cancer: Dr A Mathan Mohan, KIDS & RC
Topic:Squamous cell carcinoma Head & Neck: Dr N Sadiya, Apollo Hospital, Chennai
Topic:Radiological approach in Head and Neck Cancer: Dr A. Ameen Raja, KIMS & RC
Topic:Reconstruction of Head and Neck cancer: Dr Subra Chauhan, Gleneagles global hospital, Chennai
Topic:Neck dissection: Dr Rinku George, Oral cancer Institute, Savitha Dental College
Topic:Management of Laryngeal Cancer: Dr Kannan, Apollo hospitals, Chennai
Topic:Chemoradiation: Dr Bhaskar, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Salivary gland tumors: Dr Bharanidharan, Govt. Villupuram Medical College
Topic:Thyroid Malignancies: Dr M Ramula, KIMS& RC
Organized by Department of Radiology
Topic:MR Techniques and its neuroclinical applications – Dr A Ameen, Professor and HOD Radiology, KIMS&RC
Topic:MR Role in intra and extra axial brain tumors – Dr B Karpagam, Tagore Medical College
Topic:MR Role in intracranial emergencies – Dr I Venkatraman, Balaji Medical College
Topic:MR Role in epilepsy – Dr K V Rajasekhar, Meenakshi Medical College
Topic:MR Clinical application in ring enhancing lesions – Dr I Gurubharath, Sri Sathya Sai Medical College
Topic:MR Imaging in Dementia – Dr N C Premkumar, SRM Medical College
Topic:MR Imaging n ischemic stroke – Dr Arunan Murali, Sri Ramachandra Medical College
Organized by Department of Community Medicine
Day -1
Topic:Introduction to study designs – Dr Archana Lakshmi P A , KIMS&RC
Topic:RCT and its principles – Dr Christina Mary Paul, ACS University
Topic:Cross over studies parallel, factorial design – Dr Parameshwari P, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Equivalence superiority, Non inferiority, Sequential Trails – Mrs J AnithaCacelia, CTS Chennai
Topic:Cluster Randomization Trials – Dr Basilea Watson, NIRT (TRC)
Topic:Ethics in clinical Trail – Dr Christina Mary Paul, ACS University
Topic:Demonstration on Trials – Dr Archana Lakshmi P A , KIMS&RC
Day – 2
Topic:Sample size calculation in Clinical Trial – Mrs Sylvia Jayakumar, Statshub, Consulting Services
Topic:Sample size practical – Dr H Gladius Jennifer, KIMS&RC
Topic:Repeated Measurements Designs – Mrs Sylvia Jayakumar, Statshub, Consulting Services
Topic:RM activity – Dr H Gladius Jennifer , KIMS&RC
Topic:Survival analysis – Mrs M L Kavitha, Biostatistics, CMC Vellore
Organized by Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Topic:Chest Examination: Dr Ranganathan, Consultant Pulmonologist, Chennai
Topic:Asthma, COPD Birds of same feather : Dr Prasanna Kumar Thomas, Consultant Pulmonologist, Apollo Hospitals
Topic:Lung Malignancy an overview: Dr A Mahil Maran, Director ITM, Chennai
Topic:Pulmonary thromboembolism an overview: Dr N Manohar, Cardiologist, KIMS & RC
Topic:CT Chest Basics: Dr A Ameen Raja, Radiologist, KIMS & RC
Topic:Imaging in Tuberculosis: Dr Chitra Kumar, KIMS & RC
Topic:RNTCP Newer treatment guidelines : Dr R Sridhar, Superintendent, GHTM, Tambaram
Organized by Department of Dermatology
Topic:Superficial fungal infections – Dr R Madhu, MMC, Chennai
Topic:Recent Updates in Psoriasis – Dr Jayaraman, APpollo Hospital, Chennai
Topic:Recent updates in Leprosy – Dr K Manoharan, Balaji Medical College
Topic:Clincal approach to secually transmitted infections- Dr N Usman, Tagore Medical College
Organized by Department of Psychiatry
Topic:Anxiety Disorder – Dr G Vanishree, IMH, Chennai
Depression – Dr M Malaiappan, KMC Chennai
Stress Related Disorders, Dr V Sabitha, IMH Chennai
Medically unexplained somatic symptoms – Dr T Siva Ilango, KIMS&RC
Organized by Department of Paediatric
Topic:Reflux nephropathy – Dr R Padmanabhan, SRM University
Topic:PUJ Obstruction – Dr S Govindha Raju, KIMS RC
Topic:Hematuria in Children – Dr A Ramnath, KIMS&RC
Topic:Robotic surgery in children – Dr V Sripathi, AppolloChildrens Hospital, Chennai
Organized by Department of Pharmacology
Topic:Why Zebrafish is a promising model?
Topic:Dissection of Organs from Zebrafish-Hands on
Topic:Regeneration model- presence of blastemal cells
Topic:Cognitive Model- swimming velocity for anxiety, color preference for anxiety
Topic:Hypertrophy model- Heart Anatomy and Pathology
Topic:Nephritis Model- Kidney Anatomy and Pathology
Topic:CNS Degeneration Model
Topic:Mode of Induction: How to choose mode of Induction, method used
Organized by Department of Surgery
Topic:Thyroid Diseases: Dr Senthil Kumar, Endocrine Surgeon
Topic:Salivary Gland Diseases: Dr G Chandrasekar
Topic:Oral cavity Diseases: Dr D Jayakumar
Topic:Flap cover: Dr P Rajendran
Organized by Department of Orthopedics
Topic:Anatomy of Spinalcord and Spinal Nerves with applied anatomy – Dr T L Ambumani
Topic:Pathophysiology of Nerve Compression – Dr NavinRajaramtnam
Topic:Neurological examination of spinal cord injuries and localization of lesions – Dr Venkatesh K
Topic:Brachial plexus: Anatomy and Applied anatomy – Dr Aruna S
Topic:Peripheral Nerve Injuries of upperlimb evaluation and Management – Dr Srikanth R
Topic:Lumbosacral plexus – Anatomy and Applied anatomy – Dr S Girija
Topic:Peripheral Nerve Injuries of lower limb evaluation and Management – Dr Srikanth R
Topic:Nerve repair, reconstruction and transfers – Dr G S Radhakrishnan
Organized by Department of General Medicine
Day -1
Topic:Recent concepts in management of septic shock – Dr P C Vijaykumar, Intensivist, Sooriya Hospital
Topic:Arrhythmias scary or easy – Dr P Manohar, Interventional Cardiologist, SRMC
Topic:Time is Brain – approach to acute ischemic stroke – Dr V Sathish Kumar, Neurologist, Fortis Malar Hospital
Topic:Dilemmas in diagnosis and management of metabolic acidosis – Dr Lenin Babu, Intensivist, JIPMER, Pondicherry
Topic:Metabolic and Endocrine emergencies – Dr Krishna G Seshadri, Endocrinologist, Fortis Malar Hospital
Topic:Approach to Insecticide poisoning – Dr S Krishnamoorthy, KIMS &RC
Day – 2
Topic:Workshop on mechanical ventilation with Hands on Training – Dr Devachandran, Dr Sabanayagam, Mquet Medical India PVT Ltd.
Organized by department of Microbiology
Topic:Ventilated associated pneumonia update – Dr NoyalMariya Joseph, JIPMER, Pondicherry
Topic:Blood stream Infections – Dr Rosy Vennila, MMC
Topic:Surgical site infections – Dr Thasneem Banu S, MMC
Topic:Catheter associated urinary tract infections – Dr Govindha Raju, KIMS & RC
Topic:Infection control practices in Hospital, Dr Thyagarajan R, Govt. Kilpauk Medical College, and Chennai
Organized by Department of ENT
Topic:Recent trends in medical management of Rhinosinusitis – Dr M Gowrishankar, Chengalpattu Medical College
Topic:Surgical management of Rhinosinusitis – Dr R Muthukumar, MMC, Chennai
Topic:Management of Complications of FESS – Dr G Sundhar Krishnan, PhD in skull based surgery
Organized by Department of Pharmacology
Topic:Role of Health care professionals in ADR monitoring and PV program: Dr S Manikandan, JIPMER, Pondicherry
Topic:Pharmacovigilance program of India-Vigiflow: Mr C Stalin, KMC, Chennai
Organized by: Department of Medicine KIMS
Topic: Prevention of Acute Kidney Injuryby Dr. S. Sathiyan, Dr. V. Gopal Dass
Topic: Cardiac Interventions – An Updateby Dr. P. Manohar, Dr. R. N. Manikandan
Topic: Approach to Epilepsy by Dr. L. Sankara Narayanan, Dr. K.E Arumugam
Topic: Hypertensive emergencies by Dr. P. Chitrambalam, Dr. P. V .Bhaskar Reddy
Topic: Clinical approach to Liver Function Tests by Dr. S. Joseph JensinghBabu, Dr. R. Kulothungan
Topic: Learning form Endocrine cases by Dr. Krishna G. Seshadri, Dr. P.V Bhaskar Reddy
Topic: FUO by Dr. S. Sujatha, Dr. V. Gopal Dass
Organized by:Department of Orthopaedics& IMA KIMS
Topic: Bone anatomy & Path Anatomy of Osteoporotic Boneby, Dr. T.L. Anbumani KIMS,
Topic: Physiologist’s perspectiveby, Dr. Navin Rajaratnam, KIMS
Topic: Physician’s Prespectiveby, Dr. J. Geetha, KIMS
Topic: Orthopaedician’sPrespectiveby, Dr. T. Sankarlal, KIMS
CME on Comprehensive Trauma Life Support
Organized by:Department of Anaesthesiology
Topic: Initial Assessment, Primary Survey, Adjuncts & Management Secondary Survey & Adjunctsby, Dr. T.V. Ramakrishnan
Topic: Airway Assessment &Managementby, Dr. Venkateshwara
Topic: Intraosseous Workshop/ Cricothyroidotomy Workshopby, All Faculty
Topic: Haemorrhage Assessment & Managementby, Dr. G. Parameshwara
Topic: Severe Head Injury Assessment & Managementby Dr. Venkatesh. H.K
Topic: Abdominal Trauma Assessment & Managementby Dr. Ramya Ramakrishnan
Topic: Thoracic Trauma Assessment & Managementby Dr. Debashish Roy
Topic: Airway/RSI Workshop/ Chest Tub Workshopby All Faculty
CME on World Deafness Day
Organized by:Department of ENT,KIMS
Topic: Importance of Early Intervention for a person of Hard of Hearing by Dr. Anu Jacob
Topic: ABCH (Any Body Can Hear)by Dr. Dr. Ajaiy,
Topic: Distribution of Hearing Aids
CME on Visual Electrophysiology and its Diagnostic Applications
Organized by: Department of Physiology & Ophthalmology KIMS
Topic: Physiology of Visionby Dr. Arifath. M
Topic: Clinical Applications of VEP by Dr. Annapurana Kumar,
Topic: Clinical application of ERG & EOG by Dr. Karthik Kumar,
Topic: Demonstration of Visual Electrophysiology Tests by Dr. S. Vadivel, & Dr. Navin Rajaratnam,
CME on Workshop on Research Methodology
Organized by: Department of Community Medicine KIMS
Topic: Importance of post research in post graduate education & research designs. by Dr. Logaraj, Professor & Head, SRM Medical College, Chennai.
Topic: Observational studies by Dr. D. C. Vidya, KIMS
Topic: Analytical studies by Dr.Karthikeyan, KIMS
Topic: Questionnaire designing by Dr. Shanti Edward, SRMC, Chennai
Topic: RCT by Dr. Archanalakshmi, KIMS
Topic: Qualitative studies by Dr. Prasan Norman, KIMS
Topic: Sampling methods & sample calculationby Ms. Gladius Jennifer
Topic: Review of Literatureby Dr. Roseline Fatima William, KIMS
Topic: Representation of Data by Ms. Gladius Jennifer
Topic: Interpretation of Data & Tests of Significance by Dr. John W Felix, RMMC, Chidambaram
Topic: Regulatory, Ethical Issues and animal studies By Dr. Manikandan, JIPMER
Topic: How to read a article? by Dr. Srikanth, SVMCH, Puducherry
CME on “Beat O Diabetis”-World Health Day 2016
Organized by: Department of Community Medicine, KIMS
Topic: World health day- evolution & previous year themes by Dr. D. C. Vidya, KIMS
Topic: Introduction of the World health day theme for 2016 7 WHO advocacy by Dr. Karthikeyan, KIMS
Topic: Key principals in the management of Diabetes by Dr. Appandraj, KIMS
Topic: Epidemiology & Prevention of Diabetes by Dr. Archanalakshmi, KIMS
CME on Understanding Creator’s creation by his creators creative ( Making of an easy expressive educational AIDS)
Organized by: Department of Anatomy, KIMS
Topic: “ Eastable Embryology ( Embryology Made Easy by Eatable Models)by Dr. V. Muniyappan
Topic: Plastinationby Dr. K. Shanmuganathan
Topic: Exploring Limbic System with Educational AID by Dr. T.L Anbumani,
Topic: Practical Demonstration and Teaching of Model Makingby Dr. V. Muniyappan,
Topic: Demonstration of Making Plastination Cross Sectional Models by Dr. K. Shanmuganathan
Organized by: Department of Microbiology, KIMS
Topic: PCR A tool for Molecular diagnosis of diseaseby Dr. S.P .Thyagarajan
Topic:Monovalent IgY antibodies and its clinical applications by Dr. A. Michael
Topic: Recent advances in fungal diagnosis by Dr. Philip A Thomas
Topic: Fungal nanaparticles and its clinical applicationby Dr. N. Prabhusaran
Community Medicine | 7th April, 2015 | CME 2015 | Food Safety |
General Medicine | 23rd April, 2015 | CME 2015 | Medical Emergencies |
Orthopaedics | 3-4th, January, 2015 | National Conference | Pondicherry Orthopaedic association Conference |
Biotechnology | 11-12th September, 2014 | National Conference | Applications of Radio active isotopes in Modern healthacare and energy |
Psychiatry | 8th Oct.2014 | CME 2014 | Alcohol use disorders – An update |
Microbiology | 22nd Aug.2014 | CME 2014 | Topics on medical & clinical research |
ENT | 9th July 2014 | CME 2014 | Update on Recent Advances in common ENT Ailments |
OBG | 14th November, 2014 | CME 2014 | Update on cancer cervix |
Paediatrics | 28th Oct.2014 | CME 2014 | Paediatric update |
Anatomy | 20th November, 2014 | CME 2014 | An insight into Anatomy of Uterus and its clinical conditions. |